Morphology is a branch of bioscience dealing with the study of the form and structure of organisms and their specific structural features. This includes aspects of the outward appearance (shape, structure, colour, pattern), as well as the form and structure of the internal parts like bones and organs.
The purpose of these pieces was to create an abstract body of work that concentrates on fertility by utilizing imagery from biology, specifically the female anatomy, and botany. I use mixed media to morph art and science together in a complimentary composition. The work is a hybrid between old botanical illustrations and biological diagrams of anatomy, with new interpretations of form, line, and color. I use imagery from books, the internet, and personal experience.
The circle of life was introduced to me while growing up on our Midwest farm, and now has made me conscious of my own existence since. At times, I feel out of touch with nature, due to my current living conditions. I live and work in a sterilized, urban environment. My house, my classroom; my surroundings, are manmade buildings devoid of the organic world. I am not as intimate with it as I was when I was younger. My art helps me revive those sensations and pull them into the present. I am able to figuratively step outside of the manmade walls that surround me and enter a world of my own creation, one that blooms with images that combine the past and present, the real and unreal, the natural and the synthetic.